LinkedIn and Facebook Webinar on Wednesday
Netshare has invited me back to do a follow-up webinar on using LinkedIn (and now Facebook) for executives and professionals in a job search (or, in career management). This event …
Netshare has invited me back to do a follow-up webinar on using LinkedIn (and now Facebook) for executives and professionals in a job search (or, in career management). This event …
Job boards are so simple they are confusing. What exactly are we supposed to do with them? Some say we should ignore them completely, although I don’t think that’s a …
I saw a tweet from Scott Ingram that caught my attention, where he asks about General V: I’ve read a number of comments on Penelope Trunk’s blog about generation Y …
If you are a professional, being on LinkedIn is NOT an option. Facebook is optional. Twitter is optional. A blog is optional. Yahoo! Groups are optional. LinkedIn is not optional. …
I first remember hearing the phrase Givers Gain from Scott Allen, author of The Virtual Handshake. The concept made sense, as all good networkers should be giving, giving, giving, right? …
I love testimonials… I really got a kick out of this one, from a senior level marketing executive: You told me two years ago how beneficial it will be to …
I called it: What does this mean? Looking for a job will SUCK. Creative job seekers who employ stuff you find in Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters will probably do …
Recently the JibberJobber One Thing focused on developing multiple streams of income (which was a significant factor in me going out on my own, and moving forward with JibberJobber). Here’s …
Last weekend I got an email from a longtime virtual blog buddy that he was going full-time with his social media consulting business. Here’s the email from Ari: In response …
Someone asked me to include a worksheet they could use to track their LinkedIn efforts. Here’s what we created… the page numbers coincide with the pages in the book. Please …