Every once in a while I get an email saying “does JibberJobber help a blue collar job seeker?”
My thoughts are:
- Does a blue collar job seeker get value out of networking? YES
- Does/should a blue collar job seeker have Target Companies they should track? YES
- Does a blue collar job seeker apply to jobs, and should he/she track the status of those jobs? YES
Well then, YES, a blue collar job seeker would get value out of JibberJobber!
I have a friend who was in transition, and very blue collar. I sat down with him a few times to give him advice in his job search and realized that most of what I tell anyone else (whether you are an attorney, doctor, MBA, PhD, Project Manager, CEO, board member, freelancer, temp worker, etc… these are all titles of people who use JibberJobber, and have gotten my advice) applies to the blue collar job seeker!
I wrote a series of blog posts for the blue collar job seeker. You can see a summary here, as well as the list of posts in the series here:
- Blue Collar Job Search – How To Find A Blue Collar Job (5/17/10)
- Blue Collar Job Search – What Do You Want in a Job (5/18/10)
- Blue Collar Job Search – Identify Target Companies (5/19/10)
- Blue Collar Job Search – What Job Titles Do You Want? (5/20/10)
- Shame (5/24/10)
- Blue Collar Job Search: Your Elevator Pitch (5/27/10)
- Blue Collar Job Search – Personal Values Propositions (5/28/10)
- Blue Collar Job Search – Job Seeker Newsletter (6/3/10)
This was a fun series to write, since I recognized many elements of my stuff that are so principle-based that they have broad application.