To All Veterans on Veterans Day

A few years ago I was on a call with a combat veteran talking about my JibberJobber offer of giving a year premium to all veterans (and active duty and military spouses).

Towards the end of the call he said “I really appreciate what you are doing for veterans. A lot of people and companies will put a sticker on a car or express thanks to veterans, but you are offering something that will really help us.”  He then went on to say, “It’s not that we expect anything… we don’t feel entitled to anything… but it sure is nice when companies help us in meaningful ways.”

We’ve been offering this to veterans since 2006, every day of the year. Just email me if you are a veteran, active duty, or a military spouse.

If you are in a decision-making or influential position at a company I challenge you to have the right internal discussions to figure out what you can do to help veterans.  The challenges are real, as is their appreciation. What can YOU do to help a veteran today (and every day).

Here’s what LinkedIn is doing… it’s pretty cool: Always Forward: How You Can Join LinkedIn­­­ in Honoring Veterans

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