Microsoft and LinkedIn Integration: Resume Assistant

Last week Kylan Nieh of Microsoft/LinkedIn announced the newest integration called Resume Assistant. It looks really cool:


The only think I’d like to point out is that my advice is to have the wording and messaging on your LinkedIn Profile be different than, but complementary to, your resume.

The resume format and wording is pretty standard… strong action verbs that are past tense, short bullet points with plenty of quantifications, generally one or two pages, etc.

If I see this during a LinkedIn Profile consultation I always talk about changing it so that it’s a more interesting read, taking advantage of what LinkedIn offers, and more on-message for people reading your Profile (who are not necessarily looking for a resume format).

If you have a LinkedIn Profile with better wording, that is more enticing, will that transfer well to a resume?

(If it does transfer well to a resume, I think you have some work to do!)