Jan 12, 2006: The Support of My Wife in my Job Search

Note: I talked about not being able to find my resume on Day 2. I just learned about  the Resume Index, which has a lot of do-it-yourself templates to look at… check it out 🙂

We had been married for almost eleven years when I got laid off.  During those 11 years, my wife had supported me through two degrees and a couple of positive job changes.  She took many leaps of faith as I formulated my career path, and was excited during the journey.

Even during this time, the most unwelcome change in my calculated path, she was supportive.  She was there to help me pick myself up off the ground.  Even though she was going to go through her own introspective time, and we went through a rough time of not communicating (because we would only share the positive news, which was few and far between), she was there to support.

And, when I had the crazy idea to do something on my own, which eventually led to JibberJobber, she was my biggest cheerleader.  And the first few months, when I worked from about 5 am until 11pm every day, and did nothing more than figure out this business, she took over all family stuff and let me do this.

Over the years, she has supported me in a lot of ways, and is a major reason why we are where we are today.  She is much more supportive than I have been of her endeavors.

I want to thank her, and invite you to thank her, for being the most significant person in helping change the outcome of my layoff from what could have been bad to something that has been beautiful, touching tens of thousands, maybe even millions, of lives.

Thank you!

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