LinkedIn Help: LinkedIn Webinar

Wednesday I’m doing a special webinar for Netshare’s Experts Connection titled “LinkedIn for Executives: Beyond the Basics.”  If you are stuck on getting value out of LinkedIn, or trying to figure out what to do now that you have your Profile up to speed (supposedly), get on this webinar.

Other LinkedIn help resources I produce include the LinkedIn book (third edition should print in early January), the LinkedIn DVD (3 hours of instruction, strategy and tactics), and my LinkedIn blog.

2 thoughts on “LinkedIn Help: LinkedIn Webinar”

  1. Hi, Jason.

    I get a lot out of your blog. Thanks for such a low-key and sophisticated way to refocus your readers. I also appreciate the info about Wednesday’s Beyond the Basics webinar. …as a friendly aside, is there any way to access your comments without paying the $60 participation fee?

    Angela Katsakis

  2. Angela, thanks 🙂 The fee was set by the sponsoring organization … I’ll post my other events, though… btw, I’ll be in Baltimore, Philly and Silicon Valley this year – are you near any of those?

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