Recruiter Techniques and Tricks
I like to follow recruiter blogs to see what they are up to and their overall mindset on various things. Afterall, they are a big part of the job search …
I like to follow recruiter blogs to see what they are up to and their overall mindset on various things. Afterall, they are a big part of the job search …
This question has been on my mind for a long time and I’m going to post it over at to see if any of the expert recruiters over there …
I’ve blogged on Paul from the Twin Cities before… in fact he is one of my favorite recruiters and has a great blog for job seekers and professionals. This particular …
I did my first blog carnival entry a few weeks ago and it was a blast. Basically the “host” has a question and you respond to it on a blog …
… technology. On Tuesday (Oct 17, ’06) I will be doing a presentation on personal branding with new technologies, and I invite anyone that wants to come 😉 Most of …
I came across a post about three weeks ago that talks about the relationship between a job seeker and a recruiter. I’ve blogged a few times on developing a relationship …
I’m sure my past college roommates will always remember me as a slob, but now its official. I’ve won the SLOB award! This is based on being: Startling Loquacious Outstanding …
I’m trying to figure out how to write this without sounding like a loser, but I think that a lot of my readers will relate to this. Just some personal …
I remember when I got into the job search earlier this year my uncle sent me an e-mail describing what headhunters are. It was kind of simple and kind of …
At least, most people that I talk with that don’t understand networking think it is! They think that if they decide to network they will need to schmooze, pass business …