I got a few emails yesterday about Keith Ferrazzi’s post How to Surpass 95% of your Competition with One Simple Gesture.
Absolutely, totally, 100% agree with him.
The email I got, though, was “I can do this in JibberJobber!” or “How can I do this in JibberJobber?”
Here’s my response, in video… I’ll show you from start to finish – the scenerio is that you meet someone for the very first time and want to implement Ferrazzi’s suggestion to surpass 95% of your competition… check this out:
(in the bottom right of the video below you’ll see the image with four arrows pointing out – if you click on that you can see this video in full screen)
Are you doing this? Do you agree with Keith Ferrazzi?
Yes! Follow up is key to making your network thrive. To help you implement Jason’s JibberJobber technique after a networking event, I recommend the following steps to do AT the event:
1. Get a business card.
2. On the business card, write down the name and date of the event where you met.
3. Write down at least one unique thing about the person you met on the card.
4. Write the action item you promised to do (example: send article on networking).
5. Follow up!
Doing these actions, which take only a minute or two, ensure you remember the person when you get that reminder email Jason mentioned. And you’ve got something to talk about when you reconnect.
I do a great deal of follow up with everyone I meet both online and in person, but I haven’t used the JibberJobber contact form for them as of yet. I will add this to my list of things to do and get these contacts in my account!
By the way, when I have met someone (presently it has been for a job search which I am in) I always follow up with a handwritten thank you note or a follow up email. This is something I learned from Kevin Donlin and David Perry (and also you I believe, Jason!) and it works wonders!