Dan Schawbel’s First Book: Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success

Personal Branding has really come a long ways in the last few years!  I remember when William Arruda and Kirsten Dixson wrote “the bible” on personal branding, back when there were really just a handful of personal branding blogs.

Fast forward to today and we have (probably) hundreds of blogs that have some element of personal branding, and the latest book on the subject from Dan Schawbel, who is someone who has completely immersed himself in the power of personal branding.  He’s a pretty dang good networker, to boot (doesn’t it make sense that personal branding and networking go hand-in-hand?).

Dan’s popular blog on personal branding, PersonalBrandingBlog, has evolved into an authoritative resources on personal branding, with a history of interviews from some amazing people, as well as (newer) guest posts from others.  He created the Personal Branding Magazine, and has been interviewed by some great publications.  He has definitely carved out his corner of expertise (combined with savvy SEO, he’ll be around for a long time in this space!).

What should you expect from this book?  Honestly, I don’ t know, since I haven’t seen it.  But based on everything I’ve seen from Dan in the last couple of years, I can only guess this will be a terrific resource for you as you think about, and work on, your personal brand.  Here are some highlights he sent me via email:

  • A proven 4-step process for building a powerful brand (discover, create, communicate, maintain).
  • Tips on using social media tools for personal empowerment, confidence building, and professional networking in order to attract jobs directly to you, without applying!
  • Tested advice on how to create an online and offline presence for career protection and self-promotion.
  • Over 40 expert quotes from leaders including Don Tapscott, Guy Kawasaki, Penelope Trunk, and David Kirkpatrick of Fortune Magazine, among others.
  • More than 70 research reports, three personal case studies and examples to give you a broader perspective on the topic.

At Amazon it shows the price at $11.53 – go get it – you have nothing to lose!

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