New: Job Seeker Tips at Twitter+JibberJobber

I’ve had this idea for a while, and finally got it moving.  If you’ve followed me long enough you might recognize this is a reincarnation of my attempted Yahoo Group with one actionable tip of the day… but I decided to do it on my JibberJobber Twitter account.

If you follow you’ll get two tweets:

  1. The daily JibberJobber blog post. This is automated… each time I blog it gets pushed over to that twitter account.  Look at the history and you’ll see all the tweets there are simply blog posts from this blog — no noise about how hungry or tired I am :p.
  2. A mostly-actionable tip-of- the-day for job seekers. While on a recent plane ride I brainstormed a bunch of 140 character tips I would share with you, if we were together.  Then, I scheduled them out and had enough to go into the beginning of June… the first one should go out today. (technical note: I tried to use Hootsuite but I couldn’t, even though I manage other accounts from there… so I had to use – I hope it works right)


I talk about subject matter experts doing a tip of the day on Twitter and decided I need to do this for my own branding, messaging, and community-building.

Feel free to share the word – simply click the RETWEET button above, or copy-and-paste this into your own tweet:

New: Job Seeker Tips at Twitter+JibberJobber

Thank you 🙂

3 thoughts on “New: Job Seeker Tips at Twitter+JibberJobber”

  1. Jason-

    I currently don’t have a twitter account, and am not real excited about getting one. For people like myself, will there be a way to get the tip of the day that isn’t on twitter? (I have even less of a desire to get on facebook at the moment)

  2. @Tom – glad you are still hanging out here 🙂 Not many will remember that old Yahoo list, I think 🙂

    @Brad, excellent question. You don’t have to be on Twitter to get access to it – simply go to and you’ll see the daily tips. Or, you can get on Twitter and only follow @jibberjobber … nothing else. If you set it up to send to your phone you’ll get two tweets a day on your phone – one with the title of my blog post and one with the tip of the day… otherwise, just visit the site every once in a while.

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