I HATED not being able to see the salary listed on jobs I was applying to.
I didn’t know if I was applying to something for $45k or $90k or $130k.
I don’t know when companies stopped listing salaries but I think they should PUT THEM BACK IN.
Kudos to Funding Universe who blogged about an opening for a Sr PHP Developer and listed the salary range at $55k – $75k DOE. This is so helpful, it weeds some people out right away.
(oops to a Funding Universe person who listed the salary at $60k – $80k DOE. If I were interviewing I’d totally ask for the $80k, since I now know it is above $75k).
I hate this too. I see it as one more example of employers, having the upper hand in a dismal economy, abandoning even the most basic courtesies (such as acknowledging applications and letting you know when a position has been offered to someone else).
Here’s something else I hate, which in a way is reciprocal to what you’ve brought up: while employers withhold this information, fundamental to the job-seeker, they now almost always require us to give references with the initial application. There are lots of reasons why this is a very bad idea for the job-hunter. We’re expected, rightly, to ask our prospective references in advance, but do we bother them for every one of the dozens or hundreds of applications that will, 99.99999% of the time, never get beyond a cursory glance at our résumé? And what will that do to our standing in our present job, assuming we’re lucky enough to have one, if our references include current colleagues or managers?
Companies are being buried in applications for job postings. Posting the salary offered would reduce the amount of applications and invite only the seriously interested candidates. This would reduce a great deal of wasted time for all involved.
I agree, it would make it so much easier (but I don’t feel Human Resources is into easy) if they would offer a range. Seriously, where is the leadership of Human Resource? Any job seeker, hiring manager and even Human Resource knows, somewhere along the line, money will come up. STOP THE GAMES-It’s OLD SCHOOL. And job seekers know they will be getting thanks but NO, so talk straight.
My favorite question! What did you make in your last job?
• Answer- Happy to give you that number if can you help me understand how your company and my last company as well as my last job and your job match? I wish every job title matched but it does not. (e.g. I can find an Exectutive Director job that pays say under $40k)
Yet I’m totally cool with them asking….can you give me a salary range for what you would expect this position to pay. But then for god’s sake, if someone is willing to work for your salary range, stop saying they are a flight risk if YOU feel they’re over qualified. There is NO guarantee any employee is going to stay because the company does not offer employment contracts.
The only way this problem will change is when one of the following happens.
• The CEO demands it because he/she knows that it wastes too much time, resources and energy to “play the old HR games.”
• Human Resource realizes the same- see above.
• The CEO really gets smarts and out sources recruiting on a “performance payment plan” and make a few Human Resource people, benefits managers. .(Hey, can you say India?)
Come on Human Resources, share your voice on the topic!