The Job Search Channel on Pluralsight

JibberJobber and Job Search CoursesPluralsight is the deepest and broadest content library for technical professionals. That is, they have the most courses that go in-depth and are highly technical. They have recruited amazing experts and thought leaders to help professionals understand their trade, and what’s on the horizon, with a bazillion hours of training (over 7,000 courses).

When I started as a content producer (aka “author”), back in 2012, soft skills was not the main focus. It still isn’t… but I’ve carved out my little niche in the library and have created over 30 courses for them. Over the years my courses have shifted from job search and career management to professional development (like Understanding Your Audience and Becoming a Better Listener and, yes, really, a course titled Effective Email Communication).

But my day job is still JibberJobber, and I love The Job Search Program, focused on informational interviews. I field questions and have conversations about job search a good part of my day. Tonight I’m doing a presentation for a job club on the East Coast. It’s in my blood, and has been since I got laid off in 2006.

With that in mind, and because of the reports of over 22 million unemployment claims, I created the Job Search Channel on Pluralsight. This is a short collection of courses specific to job seekers, including:

Designing a Killer Job Search Strategy

Developing a Killer Personal Brand

Informational Interviews

LinkedIn Strategy: Optimize Your Profile

LinkedIn: Proactive Strategies

Resumes, Job Seeking, and Interviews in Context

Resumes, Research, and Writing on the Job Hunt

Career and Survival Strategies for Technologists

Careers in IT: How to Get Your First Job

Working and Communicating with Different Personalities

Becoming a Better Listener

The Successful Technical Interview for Interviewers

Onboard Yourself: What to Do After You Land Your Dream Job

Check it out at the image below. Get free access for the rest of April (2020). If you are reading this after April 2020, hit me up and I’ll see if I can get you a 30 day pass.

Pluralsight: The Job Search Channel