Around the country I asked “who is using a spreadsheet to organize their job search?” Hands went up, and faces looked disgruntled. No one likes using the spreadsheet in their job search, except for people new to the job search, or people who like to tweak columns and rows, instead of networking to find their next job.
The spreadsheet is a band-aid solution that will be thrown away once you land your job. Or lost when your computer crashes, or when you switch computers.
JibberJobber, on the other hand, is a long-term tool to use in this, and future job searches. It is a plug-and-play tool that you just sign up for and start using. It interfaces with your email, and if you are premium (free to $5 or $10/month) you can get email and SMS (where applicable) reminders of to-do items (aka, Action Items).
Check out this short video which explains the core benefits/tools of JibberJobber: