Happy Four Year Anniversary JibberJobber!

This week we are celebrating our four year anniversary at JibberJobber!  Yippee and Yahoo!

Like celebrations of past we’ll have things we’re giving away. I can’t invite you to my office for an anniversary cake but I can give you stuff…

First thing to give away: everyone who has ever signed up, and signs up through this weekend (our real anniversary is on Saturday the 15th, but we’re celebrating all week long!), will get an additional two months of premium on their account.  If you have an upgraded account right now, you’ll get four months (thank you for the upgrade!). You’ll see that on your account sometime this week.

The last four years have been something of a dream… some of my milestone memories include:

  • the minute I had the idea for JibberJobber (Feb 2006)
  • the thought process I went through as was deciding to move forward (instead of continuing my search for a corporate job)
  • how we came up with the name “JibberJobber” (high school friend from Virginia came up with it)
  • how I secured the programming and QA resources
  • when and why I started blogging, and how that helped move the business forward (June 2006)
  • thinking I’d have millions of signups the first year, and what number we really ended at (from May 15 2006 – Dec 31 2006 we had about 7,000 signups — much lower than my expectations!)
  • getting my first book contract (Jan 2007) and then finally starting to write the book (May 2007 – thanks Andy Sernovitz, for the kick in the pants!) and then getting my book shipped to me (Sept 2007)
  • My first paid speaking gig (Jan 2008) which was the first of many (I’ve spoken more than 200 times since then)
  • and many other things…

Where are we at now?  Read Wednesday’s post…

And let everyone know about our 60 day premium giveaway – job clubs, network groups, online lists and forums… now is the time to get a JibberJobber account!

9 thoughts on “Happy Four Year Anniversary JibberJobber!”

  1. Pingback: AvidCareerist
  2. Thank you for launching such a great tool for many to benefit from in managing their contacts. Keep up the good work and here’s to another 4 successful years to you, Jason!

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