CEO Of You, Inc: Get Trained

CEO training webinarsToday I’m announce a new, special part of the JibberJobber offerings. I’m a firm believer in You, Inc. and the care that we all need to take with our own career management. You are the CEO of You, Inc. and I want to help with your training and continuing education.

Over the last two years I’ve learned a lot. None of it has really come easy, but I tell people “you can do a lot with fourteen hour days!” Whether you are busy with a job search, your family or your job, you probably don’t have the luxury of spending as much time as I have learning things the hard way.

I’m now ready to share certain topics with you – topics that I’ve been sharing in webinars with various associations and organizations. These webinars are meant to help you cut through the fluff and walk away with knowledge and tools.

Each of the webinars will be $49.95 per person (or $24.95 per person, if you have a one-year-or-more premium upgrade). You can get more details on this page. Here is the schedule of webinar presentations through June:

Blog Marketing 201 – 501
February 14 1pm MST
February 26 6pm MST

Hands on LinkedIn

March 6 1pm MST
March 18 6pm MST

Write your Book!

April 3 1pm MST
April 21 6pm MST

Hands on Facebook

May 8 1pm MST
May 20 6pm MST

LinkedIn for Companies

June 5 1pm MST
June 17 6pm MST

For detailed information, or to sign up for a webinar, click here. If you have any questions please let me know.

5 thoughts on “CEO Of You, Inc: Get Trained”

  1. Can’t wait, Jason! These will be great!

    Question: I want to package a choice of 2 Jason Alba teleseminars (likely LinkedIn and FaceBook) in my offering to my clients (I already package JJ with my offering). How how would I do that?

    Deb Dib, The CEO Coach
    “Unabashedly passionate about helping visionary, gutsy, fun leaders with a conscience build great careers, mold great companies, and even change the world a bit!”

  2. Jason, I look forward to attending some of your webinars! I shared this news with the members of the ETP Network ( which is an excellent professional networking group I belong to. One of the main principals of our group is being the “CEO of Me, Inc.” so I of course I’m always interested in like minded material.

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