Get Your LinkedIn Game On!

LinkedIn bookIt’s time, isn’t it? LinkedIn has been growing, and it’s an excellent career resource. What have you done with your account?

Let me share a very cool e-mail I got from Tom Kenny, an East Coast friend (and a living example of perfect networking), after he read I’m on LinkedIn — Now What???:

I feel there is a lot of useful information in the book that people can act upon to improve things, a lot of food for thought and you even give over 30 references to other material. The book may be brief but you’ve given me a lot of home work to do! I hope everybody realizes that you are not providing solutions but helping to steer them in the direction that is right for them! In my book that is the best type of teacher!

Here’s what’s cool about this e-mail: Tom wrote a very good LinkedIn user guide for members of a professional networking group in New Jersey… he has already put a lot of thought into getting the most out of LinkedIn!

I find it interesting that he talks about the 30+ references included in the book (I haven’t counted them, and didn’t realize there were that many, but hey :)). I wonder if it’s because I’m a blogger, and we regularly link out to other people, so pointing my book readers to other places is no big deal. I’m going to pay more attention to what other authors do in their books, and how many resources they point to.

Anyway, if you are looking for another new year’s resolution, and “eating less donuts,” “lose 30 pounds,” or “get a promotion” just doesn’t excite you, how about:

  1. Get my LinkedIn game on,
  2. Get business out of relationships found from LinkedIn,
  3. Do all of the bare necessities with my LinkedIn account and profile,
  4. Derive more value out of my online social networking (Facebook, anyone?), or simply,
  5. Just understand what the heck I should be doing!

Go ahead, check out my book. Or go to Scott Allen’s blog. While you are in this mode, check out Alison Doyle’s list of Top Job Search Sites for 2007 – I definitely agree with the third site she lists!

3 thoughts on “Get Your LinkedIn Game On!”

  1. Thanks for sharing my comments. I do feel like I have a lot of home work to do on my LinkedIn profile. I’ve been concentrating on growing my network and building stronger relationships. However I must admit I’ve just copy/pasted parts of my resume and didn’t explore other areas of LinkedIn. So I hadn’t taken a step back to look at the LinkedIn big picture and how to take things to the next level until I read your book, which gave me a more complete view of LinkedIn.

    So thanks for helping me toward getting “My LinkedIn Game On”!

    PS – For anybody that is interested my LinkedIn FAQ it is available in the files section of the ETPNews Yahoo group (

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