unemployment the NORM, not the exception

Ford Restucture?So, in this “great economy” with record lows on unemployment, layoffs are still coming. Here is one that we all should have seen coming – Ford. (ya, this is a few days old, and there have been new things in the news – like numbers of layoffs!)

So, if you know anyone in HR at Ford, have them shoot me an e-mail. I can either hook them up with a super-cool outplacement firm that I have a lot of respect for, or I can maybe squeeze out a deal for all of their thousands of users that they are about to displace!

Welcome to unemployment guys!

Oh, and this got me rolling on the floor… from a friend of mine that launched a cool on-line experiment, check out this image that he tried to put on his t-shirts:

Intel Clever...!

If you have any geek in you, or someone you know (wouldn’t this be a great present?) go check out his site: https://www.MilitantGeek.com

The point is, you need to understand that this thing called layoffs, and the idea of being “between jobs” is not an exception, it doesn’t only happen to incompetents, it is not just for losers, and is not only for struggling companies – this is the norm! Remember, the average time between jobs is 2.8 years! It will happen to everyone. What are people doing to prepare for this time? What can or should they do? What are you doing? If you want to get started right now then go into JibberJobber and put your network together, and begin to list companies you would want to work at.

Hint: if your answer is that they should be sure to get the right education and background, as I thought 9 months ago when I got laid off (geez, its been that long!), and their time unemployed will be shorter, you may be wrong. Just having credentials doesn’t make them employable! Go back and read some of my blog posts…