Pluralsight 40% Discount Through Dec 6th (Monday)

I’ve introduced Pluralsight to a lot of people over the last couple of years.  Online, in my presentations, etc.  Many of you have taken advantage of the 30 day pass I’ve given you through JibberJobber. You should have watched my courses on job search, soft skills, and professional development (and each time you watch a Jason Alba course you qualify for free days of JibberJobber upgrades).

If you want to take advantage of Pluralsight for more than the 30 days, check out this killer 40% off sale on a one year subscription:


This is a discount from $299/year to $179.40, which comes out to about $15/month.  You have until next Monday to think about it.

So get this… pay for the one year upgrade, then watch all of the Jason Alba videos you want over the next 12 months (even multiple times), and you can easily earn months and months of free JibberJobber Premium.  That is a sweet deal!

My courses are on job search and soft skills.  There are tons of courses at all levels to learn programming, graphic arts, mobile development, UI/UX, and more. I don’t know when they’ll have another killer deal like this…. if you can, take advantage of it!