On-site Presentation on Personal Branding with…

Training… technology. On Tuesday (Oct 17, ’06) I will be doing a presentation on personal branding with new technologies, and I invite anyone that wants to come 😉 Most of my readers are outside of Utah but I do have quite a few here local, so if you can come on Tuesday, read on.

I’ve been to a few seminars lately on blogging, podcasting, business blogging, etc. and usually walk away somewhat dissappointed. The content is good, but I find that it is usually something like “blogging for knuckleheads/dummies/idiots” or “the basics of blogging.” There is lots of talk on technorati, rankings, etc. I’ve felt that there were other things that could/should be covered.

So I’m going to go very quickly over the basics (and have some handouts so you can go delve further on your own) and talk more about personal branding, and how you *can* (not should, mind you!) use some of the newer mediums and technologies to develop, enhance, reinforce your personal brand and image. I will give some examples, specifically my monthly award winner from last month and a sneak-peak at the front-runner to win for this month (which I’ll announce next Friday) – and talk about WHY!

This is geared towards professionals (define that as you wish) who have a desire to incorporate the web into their personal marketing strategy – and if you think you are hot stuff, you should consider this as a supplement to your resume.

The presentation will be about 45 minutes. It will be at about 9:30, following the usualy 1.5 hour network meeting. This is my favorite network meeting with an average of 10-15 people each week, most of these folks are senior level executives and the discussion and leads are very high-quality. You are welcome to come at 8am (we do it every week) and be there for that part also.

Note that this network meeting is sponsored by the LDS Employment Center out of Sandy, so they will have a prayer. If that offends you then… well, come late 😉 But it is not limited to any religion, and religion is not the subject. You won’t be baptized or proselited to while you are there 😉 And the cost is FREE.

The meeting is at the churchhouse across the street from the Employment Center. Just go in the main doors (you’ll see some cars parked by the only set of doors that will be open) and go left down the hallway – the room will be on the left.

The address is 625 East 8400 South in Sandy (that’s practially Salt Lake City, for all you non-Utahns).

Drop me a line (jason@jibberjobber.com) and let me know if you are planning on coming.

Note, I’m working on getting another JibberJobber training set up for Oct or Nov downtown, and will announce that when I have more information. I hope to go into some of the more advanced and newer features, and some best practices. More on that later.

And, I’ll be in Houston the week after New Years, and will try and set up a meeting there! Very excited about that!

8 thoughts on “On-site Presentation on Personal Branding with…”

  1. Hey, wish I were closer to Sandy and I’d be there!

    And about the prayer….I tend to think that personal branding and prayer should have a close relationship! 🙂


  2. Dennis, wish I could meet you in person. Can’t you get your big cell company to pay for it 😉 And on the prayer thing, I agree with you… but I have some buddies here locally that swear they’ll never set foot in a Mormon church… what can I say. This is an outstanding group of folks though and I’m having a BLAST putting together the presentation (lots of screen shots from buddies sites).

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