My Pluralsight journey, which started in 2012, has been quite a ride. It’s been crazy. And it’s been awesome. I was recently talking to someone who said that with all of the work I’ve put into my courses I could have gotten a Ph.D.! I don’t’ know about that… and no, you don’t need to call me Dr. Alba… but I have spent thousands of hours since 2012 thinking deeply, studying, researching, and then teaching soft skills and professional development topics.
Last week my 34th course was launched:
Understanding Your Audience
I was excited to work on this course because, as I told my contact at Pluralsight, everything I’ve done has centered around understanding my audience. I take you on a bit of a journey as I’ve had to understand my audiences for my books, for JibberJobber, for marketing partnerships…
If you aren’t understanding your audience how are you creating any content? Are you creating content for you, or simply based on assumptions?
Understanding your audience helps you have better job search interviews or presentations to your team. Understanding your audience helps you craft the right messages for more effective communication.
This course invites you to dig deeper… to try to understand who they are more than just demographic data. I want you to understand who they are, why they do things, the root of their thinking, and how you can best connect with your audience.
Whether your audience is on the other end of an email or phone call, in front of you while you present, or across the table from you in a one-on-one, you can understand your audience to a point where your communication becomes more effective.
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If you want a 30 day Pluralsight pass please reach out to me. I think I can find one or two laying around :p