When Job Search Advice Doesn’t Work For You

In March 2018 I wrote this post about a JibberJobber user who was having problems with their job search. She had a great question… my advice is in the bottom half of the blog post and can be summarized in these three points:

  1. Think critically about the advice you get, and figure out how and what to apply to your situation
  2. Don’t go it alone
  3. Do something else, which can help with networking and create opportunities for other income streams

Go read the original post.

I am reminded of a time I was in San Francisco at an outplacement company speaking to their candidates. During my presentation a guy yelled out from the back “I’ve already done all that stuff, and it doesn’t work!”

Go back to my three points above. Each of them are equally important, but your implementation might look different than someone else’s.

Good luck!