JibberJobber How-to: How to add a Glassdoor URL for a Job or Company

I got this question last week from Robert:

Add Glassdoor URL field to company page. I regularly check the Company’s About page and Glassdoor information when researching companies. It would be nice to have all this information available via a simple click of a hyperlink.

Guess what? You can already do this, on your own. And if you want to add other links, instead of or in addition to Glassdoor, you can!  Here’s how you do it (you can do this on the “edit” page, at the very bottom, but I’m showing how to do it on the Detail Page):

First, click the Add button towards the top right, and choose


Then you’ll see this on your Detail Page… this is where you can choose an existing Custom Field or add a new one:


I clicked the dropdown and I see the field I have already created (oops, you see the one I created to test for this blog post :p), and “other”… click “other” to create a new Custom Field:


Next, on your screen you’ll see this dialog box, to create a new Custom Field. This is the name or title of a field, not the value. In other words, you would put “Glassdoor URL” here, not the actual URL:


Once you hit OK, you’ll go back to the Custom Field, and you’ll see your new field there, and now you can add the URL (in the second box):


When you save this, we can tell it’s a URL, so we make it a one-click hyperlink!


You can do this on Companies, Contacts, and Jobs, and you can add any URL you want!