Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day! Today I think about the family and friends that do and have served in the military. What an amazing history this planet has. It’s sad that military and wars have had to be such a big part of it.  But I’ve known many servicemen and servicewomen who have the utmost integrity, and have served in a way to make their country proud.

Let us think of them, and remember them and their many sacrifices today!

Here’s a post I recently did with a list of service providers who provide discounts to veterans who need help with a career transition:

Career Service Providers Who Provide Discounts for Military Veterans

Remember, JibberJobberUSA.com is the site for military and veterans, where they get one year of JibberJobber services free (as a thank you for their service).

Please share this blog post and these resources with your network 🙂