I got an email from one of my users recently…. while JibberJobber will help with some of this (he’s a Premium user on JibberJobber), he’s looking for something that is more intense, specifically for planning. Here’s his question:
Can you recommend the best PLANNING resources you’ve come across? I’m finding I’m a little scatter brained at the moment in planning what I need to do and could use the help.
I use Todo on my iPhone, which is a great app, and it syncs flawlessly with Toodledo, so some way to take JibberJobber with me would be great.
I don’t really have a “planning” system that I use, outside of my Outlook Calendar (soon to be integrated with JibberJobber… oh and I’m not even going to preannounce JibberJobber on the iPhone or Blackberry (oops, did I just preannounce that??).
Do you have any suggestions?
You really need to be looking at GTD – Getting Things Done.
There are lots of ways of implementing this, but I would say read the book:
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity
This will show you how to use all these planning tools to achieve more in every area of your life in a stress-free way.
Also, follow the Lifehacker blog for a constant flow of new tips and downloads for getting things done: