Recession Update: What This Recession Means For YOU

Tomorrow is the free webinar with Mark Hovind, where we ask him about this recession and what he has learned and what he predicts based on past data.  SIGN UP FOR THE FREE WEBINAR HERE.  And come a few minutes early…  It starts on Tuesday, July 21 at 11am MST (That is mountain time… if you are Eastern you add two hours.  If you are in Pacific you subtract one hour.  If you are in Arizona you… well, I have no idea what people in Arizona do.)

Mark developed this graph where you can see the highs and lows of the economy from 1940:

Interesting that a few decades ago the HIGHS where really high and the LOWS were really low… but since the early 70’s there hasn’t seemed to be a significant LOW… until now.

Also interesting that the lowest HIGH was in the eary 2000’s, right after the dot-bomb.  A low HIGH and then dunking right into this current LOW?  Not fun.

Here are some of the questions I want to ask Mark (questions are relevant for job seekers, career managers, business owners, CEOs of Me, Inc., and those working for someone else):

  1. What does this mean for us TODAY? Assume we are towards the bottom of this recession… what should we be doing today in our jobs or career management?
  2. If we start to climb soon, then what?  What should we do? I’m guessing it won’t be all rosie (sp?) right away… but won’t we manager our stuff (careers, business, jobs) differently?
  3. What are you projected time-frames for coming out of this recession? How should we plan accordingly?
  4. What will it mean when we are above the green or black lines again?
  5. What might “above the line(s)” look like?  Short, fast, … ? How long will the good be good?

What questions do you have?  Join us tomorrow morning, hear from Mark, and ask your questions.  I doubt we’ll have time to field all questions, because of the number of people signed up… but come anyway.


Please let others know about this webinar – blog about it, tweet about it, etc.  We still have plenty of room left (there are 1,000 seats available).