JibberJobber Blog

Manage your career, from job search to relationship management to target company management.


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Sunsetting JibberJobber (the CRM app)

Jason AlbaAug 7, 20247 min read

This email took weeks to write. I didn’t know what to title it, or what to include. Since May of 2006 we have provided a service that, back then, was nowhere to be found. We made a CRM for job…

What Does a Career Pivot Look Like? 5 Critical Things to Think About…

Jason AlbaMay 23, 20247 min read

I have been talking to some job seekers lately and I’ve been thinking about how the job search is a perfect time to think about a career pivot. This might be one of the most exciting, and surprising, times of…

When and How to Look for a Job (after a layoff) – 2024 New Edition

Jason AlbaMay 3, 20243 min read

When and how to look for a job after getting laid off? It depends. I was reading a post on LinkedIn a few weeks ago where someone announced getting laid off and asked: After losing your job, how do you…

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Are You Working On The Right Things?

Jason AlbaFeb 22, 202110 min read

I have this imagine in my mind of a mime, or circus performer, who has a bunch of sticks holding up spinning plates. The performer’s job is to keep every plate spinning so that they don’t fall. If they focus…

2021 Annual Theme: Accountability

Jason AlbaJan 1, 20213 min read

In 2006, during my Failed Job Search, I was at a job club networking meeting and they were talking about accountability. What I learned in that conversation went with me to my presentations around the world. The facilitator said we…

Job Search Tools or Job Search Tactics?

Jason AlbaOct 13, 20207 min read

I’ve recently seen two posts on social media talking about resumes that struck me as odd. One was from a job seeker talking about how much time and effort you need to put into your resume, and then comments came…

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